3 Ways to Increase Your Business SEO running a Blog On a Small Budget
Starting a new blog to increase your business SEO is exciting. At least, you are feeling the buzz until you look at your site views and are underwhelmed. That’s right, that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach is the realization you have a lot of promo work to do now.
The good news is that promoting your new business blog for SEO purposes doesn’t have to consume all your time, or all of your budget either. If you use a few smart hacks, you can gain more blog readers without using up the energy that you would rather keep for writing your next business blog posts. This won’t cost you much budget either.
Let’s look at a few key strategies for doing just that.
Recycle SEO Optimizazed blog content on Missinglettr
Let’s start with social media, as this is such an important place to promote your content and gain more reads.
Where many people go wrong with social, is that they post about their new blog post once or twice, and then they forget about it. But if you keep reposting over time, picking up a few new readers on each occasion, your stats will grow.
You could do this manually, but to save time, you could try a monthly subscription tool like Missinglettr.
This tool takes snippets from your blog posts and turns them into year-long campaigns for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, posting them on your behalf.
As Missinglettr picks a different quote or text snippet from your post each time, and you can change up the images it uses to, you get some quite varied-looking posts on your social media accounts.
With social media algorithms being so tough these days, it means that your fans rarely see your content the first time you post. Therefore, it is completely fine for you to keep reposting the same content. It is in your best interests to get as much mileage from each of your SEO optimized blog posts.
Invite readers from the offline world
These days we are so focused on the online world, we forget to promote ourselves offline. While the online world is saturated with people vying for attention, why not reach out to people in the real world and share your business blog with them too.
When meeting someone new how often are we asked, “What do you do?”
Why not have business cards with your SEO optimized blog URL ready in your wallet for just such as occasion? Try businesscards.co to get your design ready for when socializing becomes the norm again.
You can also put your blog link in some less-obvious online places, like your email signature for example. Basically, don’t miss an opportunity to be in the right place at the right time. You never know when you might gain a new fan.
Don’t wait for SEO to kick in before Emailing your readers
These days, making it as a blogger in any industry requires you to grow an email list. But in the business blogging world, consider how busy your readers might be.
If they are spending more time working in their business, then they are spending less time on social or generally browsing online.
After social media and your website, email is statistically the third choice for content distribution. This is because of its direct nature, getting more views on your content.
It’s also very cost-effective as a method of gaining views, besides SEO. With good quality email marketing software available for free, the only real cost is your time. With that said, creating an email newsletter for your business blog shouldn’t take long.
Once you have your template built, it is simply a matter of introducing the topic of your blog, copy/pasting in a snippet from your blog, and adding the link to read more.
In conclusion
As you can see, gaining more readers and views on your business blog doesn’t have to be costly – in terms of time or money. Having a few easy strategies in place can cover a lot of mileage.
Having a tool to repurpose your SEO optimized blog content over a longer period of time can keep the reads coming in, long after you published that post. Emailing your readers when you publish a new post can reach those busier fans of yours, who might otherwise miss what you share on your social channels.
Of course, we shouldn’t overlook the offline world too. So remember to have your business cards with your blog URL on you when you next go out to meet new people. You never know who will become your next reader.
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